KYLA: Baby Model!
OK, so maybe I just have mommy goggles but I really think my child needs to be a baby model. It would be great if I could just tote her around to shoots and she could make her college money by age 2 lol... Anyone done this? I have no idea how to go about it but I really think Gerber and Baby Gap are missing out on a fabulous model. There are of course agencies all over the place... but they all charge you for pictures and do NOTHING. I'm not looking for that. Check her pics in the "My Little Superstar" section - she's adorable.
She LOVES the camera too. I hope I don't annoy anyone with bragging about how cute she is - there's nothing wrong with being a proud mommy!! She is so playful and pretty much always happy. She's sleeping in my lap right now like an angel.
So anyway, if anyone knows about baby modelling or has a little baby model - email me!!
We are going to take her to Sadie's to get some pictures done soon. They do the cutest stuff!! I want to get her Christmas card picture taken... yup, I guess now that I have a little girl to show off I just have to start sending the typical kid in a big goofy Christmas outfit picture-card.
What I won't do is send the informal 2 page typed "here are all the amazing things we've done over the last year" insert. Those drive me nuts. When my parents would get them they'd always be from what my dad calls "DINKs". Double-Income-No-Kids. "We travelled Europe while so and so was on sabattical and then we bred our shitzu and built a sauna in our bedroom..." GAG ME. It's like - with all your money why didn't you send us any GIFTS?!?!
It is pretty crazy that the holidays are coming. All the stores already have Christmas stuff out and it's 3 months away!! I don't know what we'll do for Christmas this year. Last year we just kind of had a nice quiet Boston Market Christmas Eve dinner and on Christmas Day we went to a co-workers house for dinner. Hopefully we'll spend it with family this year, whether they come here or we go visit. I hate the cold but it would be nice to bring Kyla to the snow for her first Christmas!
I think that's all for now. I need to get Front Page for the Mac because our PC is SO SLOW and it is a pain to update the site! I can type the journal on here but I need the PC to do the actual website.
Thanks for all the hits... spread the word.
OH, and one more thing lol... I have a tracker on my site that shows a bunch of people linked to my site from the board... did someone post a link to my site there? It's bizarre!
OH, and I have a cool links section coming soon!!
Thanks girl! I got it... I tried to email you back but there's some weird setting on my new email address that won't let me send to a lot of people!! A few emails go through, but most of them don't. SO ANNOYING. Thank you!!
I, like you, think my children are the cutest...I would love to see about getting them into modeling too-if you find out anything let me know-I live in Riverview/Brandon....thanks Lori
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