OK - after one of the worst weeks I can remember ever having in my life.... I am chilling out in my nice fresh clean bug free bed with my little princess sleeping next to me and praying to the baby Jesus that the Sox win the World Series. It is a very strange thing to be sitting here knowing that tonight they are probably about to win. Whether they win tonight, next game, the game after that - unless they completely blow it like the Yankees did, they're going to win... AWESOME.
So - here's the update. We had the house bug bombed. I stayed at Sonja's house Monday night. It is so hard to deal with things like this with no family or close friends to count on - plus TK was out of town... and Sonja was awesome. She helped me pack up all of our things, prepare the house for debugging, etc... then she made me food, watched Kyla so I could sleep at her house, etc. Much as it sucks to live so far away from home, I have been lucky to by chance meet great people who go above and beyond to help me out.
I have a massive headache right now and I have all day... just the stress... I hate being home alone when TK goes away. It just sucks... he does gigs almost every night... and then was away Thurs-Tues.. he was home for a little while on Friday night but got up Saturday morning and left again. It is bad enough to be all alone - woe is me right lol - but to have bugs in the house and nobody to even help me deal with it...
The bugs were little springtails. They are TINY - but there were a lot of them. I am not sure if I mentioned what happened or not... basically because of all the moisture in the walls, etc. they kind of decided to settle there and multiply. They were coming in by the patio door in our room.... and then ended up in the bed because sometimes we throw our pillows over there - so when we threw the pillows by the door where the bugs were, they got on the pillows... then we put the pillows back on the bed and poof - bugs on the bed. GROSS. At least I know they are not bedbugs or lice or anything like that... just pesty bugs but nothing too harmful.
I had to go get new pillows and sheets, etc... even though they killed all the bugs, I couldn't stand to sleep on pillows that I know the bugs were crawling all over. So we have all new pillows, pillow covers, sheets, etc... My bed is all soft and fresh and new :)
The worst thing about all of this is just the stress it put on me. I was in the middle of cleaning out Kyla's clothes that don't fit her anymore... so they were ALL OVER HER ROOM... and then I just had to pick them all up and put them away. I had to cover her toys and put them in trash bags. I have to wash her sheets, blankets, etc. before she can sleep in her crib again... I have been doing laundry nonstop all day and I am EXHAUSTED. I also have no food in the house... I haven't gone grocery shopping in forever. I have sauce, no pasta. Peanut butter, no bread. Things like that. I have some stuff but nothing that can go together to make a meal. I ate some chicken noodle soup earlier but all that did was burn my tongue lol... Hopefully TK can go to Subway on his way home from his gig.
I'm trying to think of what else is going on but I have been so absorbed in this crap I can't really come up with anything else. I need to get away from here for a while... It has been one bad thing after another happening to me - and what did I do? Sometimes I wonder why bad crap always happens to me.
Kyla is great. Unaffected by all of this lol... she's just happy :) Sleeping peacefully now.
Anyway, I am gonna watch the Sox play and chill out.
Congratulations on the Red Sox victory! I know how exciting it feels that YOUR team are World Champions!! After living in Atlanta for 19 years and they FINALLY winning in 1995 - I know how all Boston fans are feeling this morning. Wonderful!! Congrats to the city of Boston as well... they hung in there for 86 years... never giving up!
UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE, DANA! We're haing withdrawals! lol
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