Why are you here?
OK... I'm just curious - why do you read my journal? I am not asking to be rude or suggesting I don't want people to read it... obviously I put a link to it and make it public because I don't mind sharing my thoughts... but I'm just curious to know why on earth anyone cares lol.
I mean I guess the whole scandal between me & my not-as-significant-as-me other played out on the radio was interesting - like reality TV only Tampa Radio... but now I am just a stay at home mom who has been eating WAY TOO MANY COOKIES and I don't do much... yet a lot of people are still checking the journal. It's cool - I'm just wondering what it is that people enjoy about it!
OK, did you know that they make "Barbie" toys for dogs & cats. I went into PetCo yesterday to pick up my keys - read the past journal entry if you don't know what happened to them - and of course had to pick up some toys for Lexi too. Well in the front of the store they had this whole cart full of dog & cat toys MADE BY BARBIE!!! They even had little doggie shirts and doggie sweaters. They had like a pink fuzzy Barbie purse dog toy, a doggie bone with a little heart thing attached to it, a denim with hearts doggie harness, etc... and for cats they have these sparkly little feathery pink & purple toys. I just thought it was cute!! You can find them at www.barbie.com. It's bizarre!!
The CPK with Kyla's name came yesterday! She's so cute - I can't decide if I want to take her out of the box or leave her in. Maybe I will wait until she is a little older and will appreciate a CPK with the same name as her.
I never thought I would say this but I love the fact that its getting cooler out. I have been getting so tired of the heat heat heat all the time... granted I do not want cold and snow - but its nice to be able to walk to the car and not break a sweat. Plus, I am chubby butt now and I want to wear clothes that cover me LOL...
Not much else is up. I have some more work to do on the website today... oh, and my email is now fixed - thanks Don!!
Hey Dana!
i just wanted to let u know that ur awesome and thats why we all read ur journal. well some people read cuz they think ur not so awesome and theyre just jealous! haha. anyways. lots of people have online journals and its just fun to see whats goin on in other peoples lives... especially x DJs! lol. the dirt is fun too!
- stephanie
I have been reading your journal way before you got preggers. I still read it cause I think your an awesome person and I feel in a strange way I have gotten to know you even if we have never met.
I am glad for the cooler weather too.
Hey Dana,
I posted before, I'm a stay At Home mom myself w/ 3 boys. In my spare-time when i can-(i have a 1 year old running around) I check your website out...
Anyway, I guess, I check into your website because It's really cool to hear what you have to say & I pretty much always feel the same on alot of issues you talk about. Your a voice for all us mothers-:)
& I don't know any woman who doesn't enjoy checking out the dirt on Celebrities(it's quite addicting)
We miss you on the radio, But, I think your doing great w/ the website & it's very interesting too!
Everything happens for a reason(I truly believe so) this might turn up many oppurtunities for you..you never know :)
anyway, take care & just know you got alot of people who in a weird way consider you a girlfriend to check in with once in awhile.
Keep it up!
hey dana-
well, i started reading your journal b/c i was pregnant too and i was just wanted to check out your advice on cool baby stuff. i kept on reading to see how u were doing with a newborn. i guess i still read b/c like some of the other girls said, i feel like i know you and you are one of my friends. which is weird. plus i love your dirt, i think all the celebs (britney) are crazy just like u do.
congrats on your baby and your website, it's really cool.
Can you tell us where on the Barbie site you can find the pet accessories? :)
I read your journal because I've always been a fan of your site/radio show. I remember when you first announced being pregnant.. it's fun to see Kyla growing up!!
"I" read ur journal b/c i was interested in how u were going to handle being a mommy and working too...U GO GIRL!!!!!!!!! as for u haters out there...let me repeat a phrase that just doesnt quit...why the hell read this journal if u think d*ana is soooooooooo annoying, her life bores u...u have a choice in the matter of listening to the radio...change the station....u also have a choice in logging onto an internet site....dont log on....HOWEVER u still choose to do so....and then act as though its being forced on u.....GET A LIFE!!!!!!! and quit worrying about what our friend d*ana is doing in hers...."SINCE ITS SOOOOOOOOO BORING AND ANNOYING"..... i think it takes guts to put urself out there for all of tampa bay to see and HEAR what is going on in ur life and to know most details not everyone would normally know.....so move on with ur pathetic life and allow those of us who feel like d*ana is the girlfriend we can chat with do so.....btw....d*ana... kyla is a beautiful healthy child and yes u have bragging rights....and u are the reason why i keep reading this journal....u keep it interesting and make us feel like we're normal when we feel like dropping it all and running away..but u also remind us why God chose us to be parents....WE ROCK!!!!!!!!! LOL ttyl girl
I read your journal because I love to read about your day and and your little girl!In some way i feel I know you!
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