Today was one of those days I just crashed! Sonja came over to watch Kyla and I planned on doing the website and some errands... I laid down for "just a few more minutes" at around 10am and woke up AT THREE!!!! I guess every mom, whether you stay at home and "do nothing" all day or not needs to catch up on sleep once in a while. I didn't sleep well last night after TK's car accident so I made up for it today...
But now I have that whole disoriented I slept all day and got nothing done I am such a lazy excuse for a human being feeling...
I have a question for other SAHMs... what do you do with a baby all day? We play upstairs, downstairs, she eats, sleeps, watches some Disney channel, but I feel like I don't do much with her at all!! I would take her places but then she is just in the stroller or the car seat the whole time and that can't be fun or "stimulating" for a baby.
I did buy her some finger paints after my friend told me her son made some artwork at his daycare... but she wasn't that interested. What else can we do besides chill out on the floor and play with her toys? I keep buying her new ones just to keep it interesting (for me) lol!
So TK's car is totalled.... now we have to get a new car. Hmmmm... what to get!
He is OK. He went to the doc today and they gave him some pain medicine and will start documenting his pain. He had some headaches and some tingling in his neck. I am BLOWN AWAY by the number of people who have emailed me saying they have also been in car accidents and had injuries like this... I can't stand the way people drive!!
Well... not much else is going on and Ky is starting to fuss. Time for bath :)
It sounds like you pretty much have it covered on what to do all day w/ Kyla. A few other things that you could try are the park (even though she really can't "play" I always found my daughter liked "people watching", and the baby swing. Also, Gymboree has a great little class for Kyla's age, lots of "mommy and me" type things. Toys R us also sells a Gymboree book w/ lots of different little activities that you can do at home W/ Kyla.
And just relax together sometimes, she doesn't really care what you do w/ her, she just likes having you there. :)Trust me, in a few months you'll be wondering where your "little baby" went. :)
I am a SAHM of a 3-month-old and I feel the same way about what to do during the day. We play in the crib, on the floor, he watches Baby Einstein in the swing, he eats, we take a nap together...what else is there? Sometimes I go to Target and walk him around in the stroller b/c it seems too hot still for an outside walk. Although that tends to get expensive b/c of course I see things I HAVE to have. I look forward to when he is old enough for the ExerSaucer b/c then we'll have one more thing for him to do. I try to do tummy time during the day, too, but Connor hates it. Any recommendations for how long each day to put them on their tummies. Right now he will only do about 5 minutes at a time.
At 3 months she hated being on her tummy too!! It wasn't until she was like 5 and a half months that she liked it. A few minutes a day is fine... all of a sudden when he is a little older he will love it! I was afraid she was "behind" with the whole tummy thing... for a little while at first they like it... then they HATE IT for a few months, and then they like it again. I think once they can wiggle and squirm around a lot but can't hold their heads up yet they get frustrated... she wasn't on her tummy much at all but one day she just loved it and now she's a tummy girl and can do a lot on her tummy. Once he rolls over he'll enjoy it more too!
At 3 months she hated being on her tummy too!! It wasn't until she was like 5 and a half months that she liked it. A few minutes a day is fine... all of a sudden when he is a little older he will love it! I was afraid she was "behind" with the whole tummy thing... for a little while at first they like it... then they HATE IT for a few months, and then they like it again. I think once they can wiggle and squirm around a lot but can't hold their heads up yet they get frustrated... she wasn't on her tummy much at all but one day she just loved it and now she's a tummy girl and can do a lot on her tummy. Once he rolls over he'll enjoy it more too!
Take advantage of this time with her and the time she is actually staying in one place. Very soon the day will come when she learns to run (not just walk) and you will not have a moment to sit b/c you are chasing her everywhere.....taking things out of her mouth...erasing crayon from the wall..etc. Just enjoy watching her grow and develop and be happy that she is so content doing the same thing everyday. You can try your local library. Many times they have a ton of activities planned for small children throughout the week. You can find a walking partner and take them through the park for walks. There is so much for them to see! Also volunteering at a retirement center is very fulfilling for a SAHM. Old people love little kids, and some have no family and are very lonely. Just talking to them for a short time and seeing the youth in Kyla would make their whole week! You can also join a gym. If you find one that is good and offers daycare while you workout, you can relieve some stress and she will get the chance to be around other kids. It is good to go during the morning/day b/c a lot of SAHM go at that time also. Just a few suggestions
Dana, thanks for the advice on tummy time. I felt better after I read your post. It's good to get the "clinical" answers from the Dr., but I also like to hear from other moms b/c usually they are a little more down to earth.
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