My little bookworm!

There she is reading at 7 months old LOL.... Well, let's hope she is that interested in books when she gets older. She loves her books now. TK's mom sent her a bunch of those little ones and she loves them!!! I have to keep her from chewing on the card board but she likes to turn the pages and look at the pictures.
Yeah... now that I have figured out how to put pictures up... get ready for more - you know I love to brag!!
So I have been having tension headaches lately.... I never used to get headaches very often but now - all the time. I was nervous at first that there was something really wrong... but I looked up all the symptoms and I have tension headaches. GREAT. I guess I see why - my life has been one stress after another!!!
I am just anxious to get moved and settled now! I haven't really started packing yet... Kyla barely napped today!!! She took her little nap on the swing with me but other than that... She is at that stage where she just wants to be all over the place... and she would rather play UNDER the coffee table than on her big blanket!! She would rather try to suck on the bottom of the swing... like when she's on the floor she scoots over to her swing and goes to bite the metal rods on the bottom of the swing... than bite one of the 20 teethers she has! She is fun of course, but I get worn out!!
Still no picture of her in her Halloween costume... over a week later, I'm still trying!!! My friend Nicole took her son to get his picture done at Sadie's... he was a little black cat... and omg the picture is SO adorable... I wanted a cute one of Kyla but she fussed!! We go to Sadie's to do Christmas pictures this weekend... I HOPE she is in a good mood - especially since this time we're paying for it!
Have you ever wanted to give someone the ultimate payback even though it would be terrible.... I am feeling some temptation but I know it would be wrong.... If only I was not such a decent human being I could have some fun...
Anyway, that's all for now. I am going to eat in a few!
How ADORABLE is Kyla!!? She needs to meet Connor so they can be boyfriend and girlfriend. He's a younger man, but nothing wrong with that. Poor little guy had 4 shots today AND they had to pull the foreskin back from his little pee-pee (that's what we call it :) which made it bleed a little. That would be why I am up at almost 3 am. Thank goodness for infant Tylenol. To me there is nothing worse that the thought of my precious baby hurting. He's konked out again but now of course I am wide awake and stuffing my mouth with leftover cupcakes from Publix.
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