Should I be counting sheep?

There's Kyla just because she is cute!
Oooohhh I should be sleeping! Little princess Kyla is laying next to me sleeping SO peacefully... Earlier tonight I was pretty upset as I have been a lot lately... and I put my hand over hers and even though she was sleeping she kind of squeezed my finger... so then that made me cry too!!
More and more she is developing a little personality. She LOVES tigers!!! Seriously... we have this Baby Einstein tiger puppet she has liked since she was 3 months old... and we have this little Tigger rattle and she cracks up at it!! Oh, and now when she eats she enjoys the little airplane game. I tried it for her before and she just kind of looks at me like what are you doing... or doesn't pay attention to it... but now she watches the spoon - and sometimes I throw her for a loop and get up and spin around before delivering the deliciuos spoonful of peas to her mouth - and she CRACKS UP!!! It is so awesome to know that she reacts to silly things and enjoys them. She's also ticklish now... very ticklish... her armpits and belly... She likes when TK tickles her better... I get a little giggle but he makes her hysterical. It's crazy.
Today at the mall she was hamming it up... I didn't realize babies can be that way this young but when I was waiting in line at Chick Fil-A she was going after this woman's shopping bag... and she was hitting it and smiling at the woman... and when I took her in the dressing room to try on the Christmas picture dress she knew she looked cute. She's just a fun happy little girl...
About your self-evaluation....I think a lot of people have a hard time adapting to other people's personalities. If you know a person acts a certain way and it's just part of their personality DEAL WITH IT! It is not a personal vendeta against you. Just because someone doesn't have the same opinion as you doesn't mean they are evil or wicked. Also it seems like some of the people don't even really "know" you. They feel like they do, but I think reading what someone writes in an email, blog, etc is not a good way to judge how a person is feeling. It is very hard to display emotions in an email. Two of my friends stopped talking because of a misunderstanding in an email! If they would have called each other up on the phone things probably would have been different.
You obviously have people that DO like you...look how many of us "contribute" to this journal, you have TK, sounds like you have a great relationship with your family and Kyla will ALWAYS love you!
Part of the problem like mshif said may be that since you are a radio personality it is probably hard for you to trust people to genuinely be your friend instead of wanting you to give them stuff that you have access to.
Well, I'll quit rambling! Hope you get what I mean, I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words sometimes! Just remember that while most of us that post don't really know you on a personal level, we have some things in common and we enjoy what you write or we wouldn't keep coming back!
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