Back in Columbia...
Yes, we're back in Columbia! Got here last night... I have been lazy all day, but what else is new!? I have lots to write but I need to get ready to go out.. we have no food!! And Kyla needs a new carseat. She literally outgrew the one we have while we were away! She's just way too big for the one we have now... Luckily I have some gift cards we can use to get it since all the travelling and buying Christmas gifts nearly broke us!
I enjoyed seeing family and friends... but I think next year we're going to stay here and have a nice quiet Christmas. TK and I really couldn't get each other gifts because we spent so much on travel. Not that the presents matter of course, but it was a very expensive trip and we didn't get Kyla everything we wanted to get her. I'm using the money my family gave me and her to get her the PowerTouch Baby and a few other big things we couldn't buy for her up there since we'd have to ship them back.
She is bouncing in her exersaucer right now and smiling at me. She is such a big girl now LOL... just in the 2 and a half weeks I was gone it seems like she grew so much! Like before I left she could barely crawl... and now she can reach up to the coffee table and pull her little self up!
Her face is really red right now. I think she has some more patches of dry skin. I put Eucerin cream on it and it should clear it up. She is so cute, I hate when she has one red rosy cheek!!
Her cold is going away which makes me happy. It's chilly here, but not bitter cold like it is up there... and EVERYONE up north is sick!!! I don't miss it at all in that regard... the second we got back here my nose cleared up and I feel MUCH better!
I should get ready to go shopping now... TK will be home soon!
More coming soon... and I PLAN ON updating the dirt page tonight after Ky goes to sleep!
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