LOL... WOW. I can see. I think my eyes are so used to straining like crazy that they're freaking out adjusting to being able to see without straining!!
I had my eyes checked... I'm just nearsighted... no astigmatism or anything like that... so I was going to get glasses but they talked me into contacts and I am SO HAPPY they did!!! I was afraid of the whole contact thing because they are a pain in the ass... and I don't like the idea of putting something IN MY EYE every day... but I'm so happy now. It took me a few tries to get them in, but once I did it I was like WOW. It was SO WEIRD walking through the mall and being able to see more than 2 feet in front of me... and driving... well, I always drive with my broken glasses, but now it's weird driving without glasses on and being able to see. I'm pretty excited. I should have done this YEARS ago!!!!
So then we had GYMBUCKS!!! We bought Kyla and her cousin Jackie some stuff at Gymboree for Christmas... so we had $100 in Gymbucks to spend today... If you have Gymbucks, get back to the store by Sunday when they expire!! And let me tell you, Gymboree has the CUTEST stuff right now. I have had my eye on the froggy outfits for a while... They weren't on sale yet but I couldn't resist. I spent all $200 (really $100 because we had the Gymbucks) on light blue/green/navy/white frog stuff. SUPER CUTE. Here are a few things...

Then there's little jeans with green bows, and a sweater, and frog shirt, and a little tennis dress... CUTEST STUFF.
THEN, I went to Old Navy and got her a little HEART outfit for Valentine's Day. I am having a hard time finding little hair wraps for her though... I want a cute one with hearts on it. I think I might go to Michael's and get some little heart things and stick them on a white hair wrap... The only store I like that sells hair wraps is The Children's Place and... I forgot to go in there today LOL. I was so into Gymboree bc I had all those Gymbucks I didn't end up going to TCP.
I went to Victoria's Secret bc my sister gave me a gift card... but they had so much stuff on sale - the "Semi-Annual" sale that seems to happen once a month LOL - and there were too many people in there to really look... but I did find a pair of slippers that match the PJ pants I got for Christmas perfectly - they are red with white stars - and they were only $5 so I picked them up.
Went to Express but didn't see much... plus, I need to shop on my own for clothes because I am always so rushed I end up not getting anything... or I pick things up that don't fit right. I am sick of my clothes... and I am sick of being heavier than I used to be... but oh well. :)
Then we went to Target and I exchanged the CPK TK had brought me. I really wanted a different type... I won't get into all the types of CPK that are out right now... the girl I got is REALLY cute, but I don't like her outfit that much. There are a few outfits out I reallllly want but she was the cutest one there. It did take me a while to pick one out though because there were some others in outfits I like. I'm going to see if any of my cabbie friends want to trade :)
Watching American Idol right now... UM, it's pretty good actually. It's keeping me amused. It's funny they can make a 2 hour show out of people making asses out of themselves... and just when you're like "ok enough shitty people" and your ears are ringing from how horrible they are, they toss in someone who actually has potential. I was rocking Kyla a little bit ago and heard someone shreiking on here and I was like OMG TURN IT DOWN!!
What is UP with this crazy chick who sold her wedding ring to get the money to stay there... and that big chick in the black who really thought she could sing... WOW. Who is this chick in the red shirt... talking about "if I make it to Hollywood I'm going to change my name to blah bc it has more star quality..." Then she sings I feel the earth move... I think she is partially deaf. Either that or she's been planted by someone like MJ LMAO.
Now, at least we DO have Mark McGrath to look at. He actually kinda looks like this dude I used to hang out with... actually this dude I had a crush on from the time I was 14 til I was 17 when he finally took me to the movies... and that's all I'm going to tell you about that piece of Dana history.
So anyway, that brings me to this... recently I have been thinking a LOT about my past... like, not really in a good way or a bad way, just kind of remembering a lot of things. Maybe it's because I'm finally realized I'm an ADULT... a mom... settling down... partying, being selfish, looking good, etc... all behind me. I've thought about old friends I've lost touch with, or fun times with friends I still talk to, old boyfriends, college, high school, just all kinds of things.
WOW - for my friends in Boston get this... I'm watching the weather... It's cold here, and I know it's cold in FL too... down to 16 tonight and it was 37 out all day... and the weather man is warning people to let the water drip tonight so the pipes don't freeze... and make sure you warm up your car or the whatever hose can snap... WHAT? It's just odd to me that people are freaking out over the cold here... there's a sign at my apartment complex that says "freeze warning" or some sh*t. Funny.
Anyway, this house is a MESS. BIG MESS. TK made dinner... which is nice... but he doesn't clean up. In fact, he doesn't clean a damn thing and it's really aggravating... but whatever, that's life with a domestic partner LOL.
Oh, and I know some of you were looking for Ty's page. He's not sick anymore - and today is his birthday!!! Well, what is left of it LOL... I totally forgot that the link to his page was on my site that you don't get anymore... I hope you like the new "logo" and Ty is tythegayguy.blogspot.com... Thanks to Wendy www.radioactivewendy.com for making the graphic and putting it up!!!
Now I gotta get you some dirt!
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