The Bachelorette Finds LOVE!

But of course its NOT with one of the Bachelors on the show... Monday night is the final episode of the Bachelorette - and honestly, does anyone care who she picks?
I've heard NOTHING about this show since it started... probably because there's no chemistry with her and ANY of the bachelors. And that would be... because shortly BEFORE she started filming the show, she found love!
Who's the lucky guy? HER BOSS. His name is Billy Dec - and he owns a Chicago nightclub.
Apparently Jen had already agreed to do the Bachelorette when she and Billy fell for each other... but since she wants to be the next "Elizabeth Hasselbeck" she wanted to do the show anyway. ABC got TONS of letters from guys who wanted to meet her after she broke up with Andy Firestone... so she was all about pimping herself out for the cameras again.
I just have one question - have you ever met a night club owner you would want to date? They all seem shady to me... but anyway. Best wishes to Jen Chest... I mean Scheft.
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