OK, I had a nice big picture of this earlier and the bandwidth just got hogged up so I had to search to find it again... and all I can find is this thumbnail size - I blew it up a little, but it's not great... Normally I wouldn't bother hunting something down, but I got TONS of emails from people saying they wanted to see this monstrosity of a cake...
She paid THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of dollars for this. When I first saw it I thought someone else made it for her... because honestly, you gotta be pretty vain to have a cake of YOURSELF made - but oh, no... Mariah wanted a cake of HERSELF.
I want to know WHERE DID THEY PUT THE CANDLES? I can think of a few places LOL.
So now I am thinking... is this the new trend in cake-making? Do I need to order up a 2 foot tall cake of Kyla for Sunday??
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