This is building rumor... I say RUMOR because at this point it's just that... Apparently Britney & Justin had a secret meeting to talk about K-Fed, Cameron, and JT's mom...
I'm on the air right now (playing Black Eyed Peas and Unskinny Bop LOL) and so I can't do much but here's what it says on
From Star: Just weeks after Britney Spears learned she was pregnant, Star has learned that the married mother-to-be held a secret meeting with her ex, Justin Timberlake, say sources. The former lovers -- who many think have never really gotten over each other -- met in a private L.A. hotel room (the location of which has not been disclosed) in March to pour their hearts out and share stories of their troubled relationships, says a source.
Though three years have passed since the two were an item, their friendship is so deep that they still turn to each other for comfort. The source says Brit, 23, called the meeting to discuss, among other things, her fears that Kevin, 27, was putting her under a lot of stress. "She's probably worried about what kind of father Kevin's going to be," a source says, referring to his past with his ex Shar Jackson, 28, and their kids, Kaleb, 9 months, and Kori, 2. And Justin, 24, has his own relationship woes. He told Brit things aren't perfect with his girlfriend of almost two years, Cameron Diaz, 32.
Justin told her that his mom [Lynn Harless] doesn't like Cameron, says the source, adding, "Justin's friends think she parties too much." Besides sharing details of their relationship troubles, Britney also broke her baby news to Timberlake. "Justin was totally blown away," says the source. "He'd heard the rumors, but once he knew the truth, he was shocked." The source says Justin still has strong feelings for Brit. "It may be why he's saying these things about Cameron to Britney. Justin's mom still really likes Britney. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point they got back together!"
Your thoughts? It is from STAR... so who knows. I honestly don't doubt this... I just don't know how they snuck away together but I'm thinking it may have happened while Kev was in Vegas that weekend? Damn, I need to start keeping a BRITNEY LOG LOL.
1 Comments: the hell do you blog when "on air"...damn you are wonder woman! Please dont stop!
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