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Lil' Kim needs YOUR help!!! She is asking her fans to write letters to the judge in order to keep from going to prison after being convicted of perjury. She lied on the stand about a shooting she witnessed...
REAL NICE. You lie under oath, you get caught, and now you don't want to go to jail so you're going to try to use your fame and popularity to keep yourself from paying the consequences?
In case you are wondering HOW to write a letter to the Judge in order to help Lil' Kim, here are the OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS from
Info how to send a letter of support:
Dear Fans,
On behalf of Lil’ Kim, we would like to thank each and every person who has stood by her and supported her through her current ordeal. Many of you have asked about writing letters to the Judge on her behalf. If you wish to write such a letter, please have the letter addressed to Honorable Judge Gerard Lynch. Please do not send letters directly to the Judge. We have set up an e-mail account to which all letters should be sent to:
Because of the nature of the situation and the fact that the Judge will receive these letters please be very careful in how you write the letter. All letters should be respectful and positive, but above all let the Judge know how much Kim means to all of you.
The guidelines are all follows:
Dear Judge Lynch,
Each letter writer should:
1) Brief intro including name + and that you are a fan of Kim.
2) What is special to you about Kim?
Respectfully (or Sincerely, or Respectfully and Sincerely,)
Person’s Name
On behalf of Kim, I would like to thank you once again for all of your love and support.
We have received a large number of letters so far and we thank you for your support, your time, and desire to help. However, please keep in mind that we want these letters to be sent to the Judge, to show him how much Kim means to all her fans. The letter is a letter of support, and nothing else. Please by all means do NOT include the following in the letter:
· Do NOT criticize of the Justice System.
· Do NOT criticize the Judge.
· Do NOT criticize the verdict.
· Do NOT criticize the court case or mention it in anyway.
· Do NOT give opinions on what her sentence should be, simply ask him for leniency.
· Do NOT mention Martha Stewart or any other celebrities (especially those in the music industry).
· ***The letter is about Lil’ Kim, therefore only mention her, what she has done, and how you feel about her. As fans we are all upset about the situation, but the Judge is the wrong person and these letters are the wrong way to release your anger and sadness.
Also, please try to write in a proper format (no symbols, abbreviations, all caps lock). The goal is the print these e-mails out and send the best ones to the Judge along with letters from Kim’s friends and family.
Thank you again for all your help.
I find this to be very amusing. Basically they have to tell her fans NO EBONIX, no "going off" on the judge, no bringing up how OJ got off LOL... Super funny.
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