The Britney Birthing Plan

Poor girl is so delusional. She has no idea what she is in for. None of us do... but Britney's in for even more of a shock.
There's a room in the hospital where she is planning on giving birth. Here is the rest of her plan...
She has made sure that neither of the rooms on either side of her will be occupied. They must remain vacant while she is there.
She has requested yellow and white roses be in the room when she arrives. Has anyone yet informed this woman that there will not be time to be ORDERING FRIGGING FLOWERS when she goes into labor?????
"Keeeeeevvvinnnnn my water broke - call the florist!!!"
"Hee hee hooo hee hee where are my roses???"
The one thing I can't blame her for... catered food. No hospital curds and whey or whatever slop they try to get you to eat!
Britney and her mom are also demanding that all of the nurses who will be taking care of her have BACKGROUND CHECKS!! She must be concerned that someone is going to try to kidnap her little Federspawn and hold it for ransom.
It's scary. Anyone who has ever given birth knows what this girl is in for... and the last thing she'll be worried about is what color flowers are in her room.
3 people gave birth in the hallway the day I had my daughter due to lack of rooms... and she wants to deliberately empty them??? She better be making a large donation to that hospital. Or California is more wacked than I thought...
oh good lord she lost what ever mind she had left ... and I don't think it's b/c of the pregnancy. I've heard that can happen ... forgetfulness when preggers, but this takes the cake. OH is she in for a rude awakening come labor day.
Oh man! I remember all the expectations for my "perfect" labor! I bet she will have a planned c-section. Isn't that what all the celebs do? Have a cesarean one month early in order to prevent strech marks? (not that that works)
After myself-giving birth 3 times, The girl has no idea what she is in for..
When that moment comes, your not very worried about your room or anything that is put in there,
you just want the baby out!
Britney's just plain naive and spoiled.
hmmmmmmm its funny that she wants everything to be in place, I wonder if her hubby will make it or will he be in VEGAS.......hehehe.
I would have sold my soul for a glass of water when I went into labor. It will be interesting to see if her demands change.. and what she actually gets. Lets just hope they don't have a chaotic reunion showing the birth... ew!
"I am thinking this is a private hospital, or even a birthing center, not a public hospital."
That is a public hospital (Scottsdale Healthcare) . Scroll down to Gingi's comments about giving birth there.
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