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Dirt Dished by D*ana @ 11:52 AM
She always seems to pick dresses that seem to squish and make her boobs look uncomfortable.
Could someone tell Jessica's father/manager that it would be OK if he tucked in his shirt once in awhile? We all know he has a gut, and the un-tucked look doesn't hide it.
Well I heard that she was put on a strict diet and lost so much weight, her boobs went down 2 cup sizes. So she freaked and had a breast augmentation. That might explain why they look so fake sometimes.
Nice family photo. Ashlee + Blonde = better. But let me say one thing... We've seen allllll this Jessica in the promos and the premiere pics, but I don't remember the show being too terribly much about Daisy. And somebody stop her butchering Nancy Sinatra. It's killing me.
Ashlee does look very pretty & Jessica looks cute in the first picture with the family, but what's up with her pose in the last one with her hubby?
Their mom looks really pretty for once.I am so sick of the way that Jessica acts, she's not as pretty and real as she use to be. It looks to me that Nick is just putting on a happy face, but probably tired of her shit with the way that she acts.
a) Joe Simpson, tuck your shirt in...b) That kinda looks like Lynne Spears between Ashleeeeee and Nick.c) Jessica, you're looking a little crack whoreish in that video. It doesn't help that your dad is crafting your image.
that one guy has a Jackyl Shirt on. That is soooooooooooooo great. rock meroll meJackyl me off.
Another talentless nothing I could do without.
She looks like she's balancing her boobs the whole evening, as if they were going to fall off.
Ok...not wild about the dress choices of any of the gals, BUT, they and Nick at least got dressed up for Jessica's premiere, nice support system even if things are going downhill. Dad must have been down at the neighborhood park checking out other women's boobs and they picked him up on the way to the premier. (C'mon honey, jump in the car and no, we don't have time for you to go home and change now, sheesh...) I mean, gee, couldn't he at least have showed his daughter a bit more respect?? (Especially since SHE is bringing home the money for HIM, talk about dysfunctional)
her cover son/video"These Boots were made for walking"She not so hot.The video is on my blog..
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She always seems to pick dresses that seem to squish and make her boobs look uncomfortable.
Could someone tell Jessica's father/manager that it would be OK if he tucked in his shirt once in awhile? We all know he has a gut, and the un-tucked look doesn't hide it.
Well I heard that she was put on a strict diet and lost so much weight, her boobs went down 2 cup sizes. So she freaked and had a breast augmentation. That might explain why they look so fake sometimes.
Nice family photo. Ashlee + Blonde = better.
But let me say one thing... We've seen allllll this Jessica in the promos and the premiere pics, but I don't remember the show being too terribly much about Daisy.
And somebody stop her butchering Nancy Sinatra. It's killing me.
Ashlee does look very pretty & Jessica looks cute in the first picture with the family, but what's up with her pose in the last one with her hubby?
Their mom looks really pretty for once.I am so sick of the way that Jessica acts, she's not as pretty and real as she use to be. It looks to me that Nick is just putting on a happy face, but probably tired of her shit with the way that she acts.
a) Joe Simpson, tuck your shirt in...
b) That kinda looks like Lynne Spears between Ashleeeeee and Nick.
c) Jessica, you're looking a little crack whoreish in that video. It doesn't help that your dad is crafting your image.
that one guy has a Jackyl Shirt on. That is soooooooooooooo great.
rock me
roll me
Jackyl me off.
Another talentless nothing I could do without.
She looks like she's balancing her boobs the whole evening, as if they were going to fall off.
Ok...not wild about the dress choices of any of the gals, BUT, they and Nick at least got dressed up for Jessica's premiere, nice support system even if things are going downhill. Dad must have been down at the neighborhood park checking out other women's boobs and they picked him up on the way to the premier. (C'mon honey, jump in the car and no, we don't have time for you to go home and change now, sheesh...) I mean, gee, couldn't he at least have showed his daughter a bit more respect?? (Especially since SHE is bringing home the money for HIM, talk about dysfunctional)
her cover son/video
"These Boots were made for walking"She not so hot.The video is on my blog..
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