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Wednesday, January 25

Stretching Belly Tattoo...

That's HOT.


    At 12:20 PM, Blogger Michele_3 said...

    Does anyone know what her Tattoo says?? just curious...

    At 1:00 PM, Blogger Michele_3 said...

    I knew it was in a different language but no idea what it meant..

    At 8:36 PM, Blogger gofyourself said...

    Actually, the street translation for her tat reads, "Warning: husband-stealing, whore-bag ex-herion junkie scumbag posing as a humanitarian, coming your way." Harsh, I know people, but soooooo true.

    At 10:00 PM, Blogger Fat Orange Pheobe said...

    And Brad left Jennifer to run off and have a baby with a effd up biatch sporting a tat across her belly while carrying his first son. Gees why didn't he just go back to that wacked Juliette Lewis chic. Ang and Julz's are about in the same class league. SORRY ANG, your not fooling anyone with this UN bullshit! Your still a dirty bi lovin' hooker!

    At 10:02 PM, Blogger Lou said...

    very interesting - and so Angelina!

    At 10:02 PM, Blogger Fat Orange Pheobe said...

    By the way has anyone noticed Brad is looking pretty shitty lately. Guess Ang and her Alternative wanna be goth incognito is wearing on him. YIKES SHAGGY!

    At 10:08 AM, Blogger Attitude2Love said...

    She may have done some wild shit in her past, but NO ONE can say that she isn't an awesome mother! She loves her kids more than anything else and you can see it! You do not see those kids being left with a nanny to tend to them. Brad and Angelina are going to be great parents!

    At 5:55 PM, Blogger Jaded Bunny said...

    As much as I hate to....

    I actually have to agree with attitude2love.

    ...call me crazy.

    At 7:15 PM, Blogger ieatcrayonz said...

    And here I was trying to make it say, "Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore!'"

    At 8:04 PM, Blogger melissaamy said...

    Am I the only one who heard it is a girl, and that it was released by her people at that?

    At 9:12 PM, Blogger Attitude2Love said...

    As much as I hate to....

    I actually have to agree with attitude2love.

    ...call me crazy.


    What the hell is your problem? Why would you need to be crazy to agree with something I say? Are you having a withdrawl because Dana hasn't updated today and now you decided to post a comment and try to stir shit up! Seriously, Make your damn remark without starting shit and get on with your day!

    At 3:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

    "what nourishes me, destroys me" so Brad will destroy her? Nice...think it's working both ways. He looks like crap, and I'm sorry, she may go do humanitarian things and all, but they are homewreckers, both of them. Not the kind of woman you bring home to the family, and not the kind of man you should be proud of. She's just weird and he cheated on his wife, whether they were happy or not, he cheated.

    At 1:16 PM, Blogger melissaamy said...

    the meaning is kind of similar to what does not kill me makes me stronger. Latin, while translated literally, does not alway mean literal translation...

    she got it, from my understanding, in a response to her younger days, drugging and self destrution, the things she loved and enjoyed were killing her, but she is still here, so she got it as a reminder.

    and I am not in her defense or whatever, as I do not personally know them, BUT why is it always the woman to blame? He cheated on his wife, she did nothing wrong. so what if he was married, she is a natural flirt in her looks alone. HE did the wrong, not her, he cheated, not her....I am always amazed at how everyobne blames the woman, yet the person who cheats is to blame, not the one they cheat with...

    At 12:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

    Sorry, but they are both wrong...yes, HE cheated on his wife, but unless Angelina lives underneath a rock or in a cave somewhere, she knew that he was MARRIED to Jennifer Aniston...or did she not ever hear of her? I know married men too, and I would NEVER under any circumstances get involved with ANY of them just for the fact that they are married, period. So it IS her fault as well. She DID do something wrong. There were/are plenty of single men out there and I'm sure one of them could have been just as wonderful with/to Jolie, she just happened to choose the married one. But yes...HE is wrong and very much so, as he was the one who ultimately said yes to the cheating part. And I think anyone who has ever read my previous comments on the subject knows that I have said that many times, and even in the previous comment, I said they were BOTH homewreckers.

    At 9:20 PM, Blogger R said...

    i think people need to quit assuming they know exactly how this relationship started. what if... brad and jen were already having trouble when mr and mrs smith started filming. brad and angelina obvouisly love each other perhaps the spark started while filming. but, we have no proof what so ever that they physically did anything before the separation was announced. if brad and jen were already emotionally divorced it would certainly make since that brad would be open to an emotional connection with someone else. if you remember there were no pictures of brad, angelina and maddox until after the separation. do you think that was because the paps didn't get a shot until then... no. you know they were being followed after the first picture emerged of them talking on a bridge during filming. angelina is weird yes. but, she is a humanitarian. whether her intentions are pure (which i thoroughly believe they are) or not she is drawing attention to the topics that we should be paying attention to. that is the important part. i am just so sick of listening to people talk crap about her. those making statements about her tattoos. those are the people that have meaningless tattoos of ridiculous, band wagon jumping tribal symbols and roses tattooed on their tale bones. we may not like what her tats mean but, they obviously mean something to her. which is better than 75% of the people with tattoos. sorry for the long winded rant but, i just had to say my piece... go ahead... i'm ready... throw on the hate. :)

    At 8:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

    Just a question then mpls girl, and any others, and I'm not upset here, nor trying to start anything, but just curious. I totally agree that HE is responsible for his marriage. My question then is this...is it ok then for a woman to date/go out with/sleep with/have a relationship/whatever you want to call it or whatever it was they did/ with a married man just because she is single and available, or is it also her responsibility to say no to someone who is married whether or not that said married person is in a troubled marriage? I'm just curious as again, it is HIS fault about cheating in his marriage, but I guess I see it as if a man is married, he is off limits to me if I'm single and looking. Just curious here.

    At 8:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

    And, I do believe her intentions are pure as well, and I listened to her speaking on the panel that she was on not long ago on another site, and found her to be refreshing in what she had to say and very diplomatic as well, I was impressed to say the least. I'm sure that to her friends she is a wonderful, caring and kind person and for that I'm happy. I personally have no ill against her and she and Brad can live their own lives, that's fine. I originally was upset when this all started months ago that she was getting all the blame and he was just an innocent victim in all of this and I spoke up saying that it was more his fault than hers, but that she wasn't blameless as afterall, he was married and like I just asked, shouldn't a person consider a married person off limits? And now it seems as if the tide has turned and he is getting all the blame and her none. Takes two doesn't it? So as r says...ok, bring on the hate... :)

    Sorry for the double posting and sorry if someone is offended, don't mean to offend anyone, just expressing opinions and curious.

    At 9:19 PM, Blogger melissaamy said...

    If a woman becomes involved with a man who is married or whatever, and she is knowingly doing do, then she is the only person she will have to answer to. Me personally, I would have waited until the divorce was final, or they had announced a seperation, but that is me.

    I love what she does in the UN arena. I beleive she loves what she does with her pure heart. As for her always being blamed for breaking up a marriage, I just get upset when it is always the woman/mistress's fault.

    No one ever says it is the guys fault. Seemed here more then anywhere else, it was her fault, when no one bothered to say, how dare he cheat.

    As for not knowing about what actually happened, it was made pretty clear Jen had no idea it happened at first.

    And I have no problems with tattoos, as long as they really do mean something to the persona and are not jsut doen because it is "cool". Anyone who knows anything about the tattoo's Angelina has gotten over the years knows she put a lot of thought AND pain to have them done, many in the tradtional tribal ways, which is a single needle dipped in ink or ask. I had one done that way MANY years ago, and it is a long arduous process, unlike many guys and gals who get hammered and get one cause all their friends have them.

    I have a lot of respect for her now. Back when she was writing on the ceiling in her blood and wearing his blood on her neck, then having sex in the limo and talking all about it on the red carpet Angelina, I could not stand her, she made me feel ill when I heard her speak, but she has grown and matured into such a giving person, seemingly making personal ammends to herself for her past, I have nothing but respect for her.

    Now Brad, well he is trying the humanitarian route, but so far, nothig he has done has come close to earning the respect I have for her as a person.


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