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Dirt Dished by D*ana @ 12:20 PM
It's about freakin' time girlfriend woke up and smelled the weed!! We can all imagine where she'd be if she never even heard of this loser. We all make mistakes, but lucky for her, she has expensive lawyers to clean up the mess for her. He's never around anyway, it's not like he'll even be missed by his kids. Look at the other ones he's had! He should have mandatory sterilization.
I'm sure this is in no small part due to her wanting to improve her image, and truly, it's a move WAY past due. Problem is, she was already on her way down (well, not that, in my opinion, she was ever anywhere below the lowest level, anyway). She's got some serious issues of her own. All this stuff with the baby in or not in the carseats is her doing, not Kevin's. Her mode of dress is her doing, not Kevin's. Her quickie marriage and annulment was her doing, not Kevin's. Her classy middle-finger pointing photo was her doing, not Kevin's. Her earlier career lies about smoking and virginity were all her doing, not Kevin's. Basically she's always been one "classy" gal. Kevin just kinda sealed the deal. Hopefully she'll just fade away at some point, and in 10 years we'll see her on a "Where are they now" sort of a special.
blah...blah...blah......who cares, really?
god i hope this is true
I always knew she was a slut!http://www.playpacman.net
If it's true.. then I'm glad it's over.. she needs someone who will be there for her.Hey Dana, Just wondering if you heard anything about Katie and Tom. I read in a free newspaper here that she took her daughter and went home to her parents so they meet their granddaughter and Tom didn't want her to go. Just thought you'd like to know
Here's where I read the article about them.Go to www.24hrs.ca click on Toronto, Entertainment then go to Trouble in Paradise? it's about them.http://toronto.24hrs.ca/Entertainment/2006/05/26/1598117-sun.html
Most doctors are ethical and will not perform a c-section unless it is necessary...even for wealthy celebrities.The percentage of women having c-sections have gone up because of trauma, brain damage from lack of oxygen, infant deaths, cerebral palsy etc. that occur when a mother is "forced" to have natural labor and she runs into problems. Plus there are a ton of other reasons a c-section gets scheduled, misplaced placenta, high blood pressure, diabetes, back problems etc....Doctors are more apt to perform a "routine" c-section as opposed to getting slapped with a huge malpractice suit for a natural birth complication.BTW, I had two c-sections myself and they were horrendous, I'd rather have had those babies naturally!
I would rather shoot the thing out my vah jay jay any day then have to go under the knife.
LOL - Looks like Amanda in PA struck a nerve. Sorry Good Wiffey, but I am going to have to agree with this one. Based on your posts it would seem to me that you need to get a life. No wonder you got so defensive. Sounds to me like the truth hurts.
Did amanda is pa bitch-slap anonymous 7:01?That comment sounded like a dose of reality and I totally agree with anonymous. I also do not believe that women can elect to have c-sections with out SOME TYPE of medical explanation. I seriously doubt you can say, "Oh, I'm so scared to push this baby out, please cut me open and get it out that way..."Amamda, why be so mean and snarky? Don't take it so personal, not everything is about you!LOL!
I think Celebs are just snotty. They don't want to be made to wait for anything so the have a c-section. It is sad because it is not as easy at some think. It is real surgery.. but half the celebs have had so much work does it really matter? What is another slit??? Oh, to be so selfish that all I had to do was worry about my looks... ugghh the life these people have I tell ya!!!
i knew it, good on ya britney!!http://www.playpacman.net
Angie Harmon had a C-Section planned around her husbands games...so I guess when you are a celebrity you can just tell your doctor that you want a c-section....
OK, so back to Brit...I am not in their house or around them so I personally do not know but ever since she has hooked up with this guy she looks like she is not happy. She looks worse and worse everyday. Some people look worse with drug usage, some people start to look worse when there attitude changes and they are not happy. I say...BRIT DUMP THE GUY, he is tearing you apart with heartache! And I am not for splitting up a marrage either. What did she see in him. I thought he was cute until he opened his mouth. Brit you were a free spirit, riding on the wind...teach your children that free will, free spirit!Oh yeah, side comment...reading about the celebrities is like an interactive soap opera, so it gets highly amussing that this is not scripted, this is their real life.
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It's about freakin' time girlfriend woke up and smelled the weed!! We can all imagine where she'd be if she never even heard of this loser. We all make mistakes, but lucky for her, she has expensive lawyers to clean up the mess for her. He's never around anyway, it's not like he'll even be missed by his kids. Look at the other ones he's had! He should have mandatory sterilization.
I'm sure this is in no small part due to her wanting to improve her image, and truly, it's a move WAY past due. Problem is, she was already on her way down (well, not that, in my opinion, she was ever anywhere below the lowest level, anyway). She's got some serious issues of her own. All this stuff with the baby in or not in the carseats is her doing, not Kevin's. Her mode of dress is her doing, not Kevin's. Her quickie marriage and annulment was her doing, not Kevin's. Her classy middle-finger pointing photo was her doing, not Kevin's. Her earlier career lies about smoking and virginity were all her doing, not Kevin's. Basically she's always been one "classy" gal. Kevin just kinda sealed the deal. Hopefully she'll just fade away at some point, and in 10 years we'll see her on a "Where are they now" sort of a special.
who cares, really?
god i hope this is true
I always knew she was a slut!
If it's true.. then I'm glad it's over.. she needs someone who will be there for her.
Hey Dana, Just wondering if you heard anything about Katie and Tom. I read in a free newspaper here that she took her daughter and went home to her parents so they meet their granddaughter and Tom didn't want her to go. Just thought you'd like to know
Here's where I read the article about them.
Go to www.24hrs.ca click on Toronto, Entertainment then go to Trouble in Paradise? it's about them.
Most doctors are ethical and will not perform a c-section unless it is necessary...even for wealthy celebrities.
The percentage of women having c-sections have gone up because of trauma, brain damage from lack of oxygen, infant deaths, cerebral palsy etc. that occur when a mother is "forced" to have natural labor and she runs into problems.
Plus there are a ton of other reasons a c-section gets scheduled, misplaced placenta, high blood pressure, diabetes, back problems etc....
Doctors are more apt to perform a "routine" c-section as opposed to getting slapped with a huge malpractice suit for a natural birth complication.
BTW, I had two c-sections myself and they were horrendous, I'd rather have had those babies naturally!
I would rather shoot the thing out my vah jay jay any day then have to go under the knife.
LOL - Looks like Amanda in PA struck a nerve. Sorry Good Wiffey, but I am going to have to agree with this one. Based on your posts it would seem to me that you need to get a life. No wonder you got so defensive. Sounds to me like the truth hurts.
Did amanda is pa bitch-slap anonymous 7:01?
That comment sounded like a dose of reality and I totally agree with anonymous.
I also do not believe that women can elect to have c-sections with out SOME TYPE of medical explanation. I seriously doubt you can say,
"Oh, I'm so scared to push this baby out, please cut me open and get it out that way..."
Amamda, why be so mean and snarky? Don't take it so personal, not everything is about you!
I think Celebs are just snotty. They don't want to be made to wait for anything so the have a c-section. It is sad because it is not as easy at some think. It is real surgery.. but half the celebs have had so much work does it really matter? What is another slit??? Oh, to be so selfish that all I had to do was worry about my looks... ugghh the life these people have I tell ya!!!
i knew it, good on ya britney!!
Angie Harmon had a C-Section planned around her husbands games...so I guess when you are a celebrity you can just tell your doctor that you want a c-section....
Angie Harmon had a C-Section planned around her husbands games...so I guess when you are a celebrity you can just tell your doctor that you want a c-section....
OK, so back to Brit...I am not in their house or around them so I personally do not know but ever since she has hooked up with this guy she looks like she is not happy. She looks worse and worse everyday. Some people look worse with drug usage, some people start to look worse when there attitude changes and they are not happy. I say...BRIT DUMP THE GUY, he is tearing you apart with heartache! And I am not for splitting up a marrage either. What did she see in him. I thought he was cute until he opened his mouth. Brit you were a free spirit, riding on the wind...teach your children that free will, free spirit!
Oh yeah, side comment...reading about the celebrities is like an interactive soap opera, so it gets highly amussing that this is not scripted, this is their real life.
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