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Dirt Dished by D*ana @ 8:20 AM
LOL I seriously forgot they got married. Oh well, thanks for correcting me :)
They actually had a Kabbalah ceremony with no legal marriage liscense.The ceremony was not done by an ordained rabbi, neither 1 of them is Jewish, & they did not have asecuar ceremony.Technically, they are not married--more ike a "committment ceremony"He is her boyfriend.
oops--my l stuck...I meant to say secular
Angela....Dana does the same ish that these readers to do her. If she did not pity her readers for reading her site then maybe they would NOT be so nasty to her.She thinks we are JEALOUS of her because she has a great boyfriend, a cute daughter and a great job....ummm Dana, your boyfriend is oooooooooglllllllly..your daughter is FAR from being cute and your job is NOT THAT GREAT!!If you were SUCH great DJ then WTH did it take you so long to get a good job?? Really now.You need to watch what you say cause it will come back and bite you in your FAT ass.
It's really not necessary to make rude comments about someone's child.
I just love that people are still commenting on this post days later... I too read it for the entertainment value of it. I enjoy very much that some of you have followed me from Tampa to here... it's just really funny. You've called me all kinds of names and seem to hate everything I am and do, but I left Florida almost 2 years ago and while I rarely think about my life there, it's hilarious to me that I had such an impact you coninue to bring it up. WHO FREAKING CARES!?!? Nobody dwells on any of that crap anymore... not me, not my ex, not my former co-workers, nobody. Life had moved on in positive ways for everyone... unfortunately you seem to be the only one holding a grudge over situations you really don't know anything about... unless of course you were in some way involved and that would be even sadder.I would love to know how any of this is going to bite me in my fat ass. I'm not that fat and neither is my ass anyway.:)
I don't remember seeing her making fun of Sean Preston, but if she did then that isn't right. I don't think it's ever ok to say nasty things about anyone's child.
Courtney....Yes, she has made fun of Sean Preston and other children.Who makes comments about their readers and says that her readers are JEALOUS of her and pitys them?? C'mon now!!!I'm glad you read this for entertainment Dana and laugh at it everyone else is laughing at you too...The only impact you had on the people in Florida is that you were a joke and everyone LOVED to hear you talk about you drama and how your ass got cheated on...how funny is that!! I guess you couldn't be too good in bed or he wouldn't have wander to someone else's bedroom lol.But, keep thinking what you want to think.I'm sure it must make you feel better.
Britney, Dana LOVES all the attention. She has EVEN said that in some of her posts. She is a drama queen and that is why people laugh behind her back.She think everyone is jealous of her and she thinks that she is better then anyone else INCLUDING her readers....Trust me, do you REALLY think she cares about her readers or even her listeners??The only person that is number one in her life would be the MAN that is in her life....she doesn't even have her daughter half the time and when she does ya would think she would spend time with her...nope, she goes out with her ugly ass boyfriend and gets drunk. Her daughter is better off with her father who seems to take better care of her.Dana ...the only sad thing here is that YOUR DAUGHTER is going to be messed up in the head when she realizes what kind of mother you really are.
My life might not be the most fabulous thing on the planet... however, it is certainly better than the life of the person (and it's quite obviously just one person) who spent his or her entire evening on this website spewing hatred over something that happened years ago and calling me, my boyfriend, and my child ugly and fat, retarded, etc.Do you have a significant other, children, loved ones, or friends to spend time with? It doesn't really seem that way. I spend far less time online - and far less time updating this site - because I have other things to do... like go to lunch with my boyfriend, shop for Halloween stuff for my daughter, do show prep for my talk show... that's really why I'm not online as much anymore and don't devote as much time to this website - because I actually built a life for myself here in CT that I really like. Say all you want about the "drama" in FL... it's OVER now and a part of my life I really learned from. You are still really sad and pathetic and 2 years after I left that radio station you are still dwelling on it... and it's not even your own life!! If you had even a DECENT life of your own, there is no way you'd be doing what you are doing. If you were a happy good person you certainly wouldn't be spending such an enormous amount of time sitting at your computer concerning yourself with me and/or my pathetic life. Keep the sh*t talk coming. There is nothing you can post here, save for maybe my phone number or address or SS#, that I won't delete. So go for it. I don't care. The more you reveal about how seriously ridiculously obsessed you are with my life the more I laugh. Don't kid yourself, I don't think anyone else is obsessed with me... I just think you are. I would like to see 150 comments by noon tomorrow. I'm sure you have nothing better to do than to sit here and post them... so go for it.Have a lovely evening. :)
What Sara you have your daughter 2 months out of the year and your proud of going Halloween shopping for her...what a good Mother you are!! The only sad thing here is that you are responable for another human being..and you talk about Britney being a bad Mom.I don't think Britney talks about how much she loves to get drunk and how good the sex is with her boyfriend...yeah, your a REALLY good Mom. Thank God for your ex being the sane parent.I really don't think you should talk about being DECENT because you are farrrrrrrrr from that.Are you a good person Sara? Yeah, we know your happy because you have your C-Man and really all you think about in life is your need for a man...not your daughter but a man. Why don't you think about all the shitty stuff you use to say about people and then tell us your a good person.
Well we made it to 45 and now 46 which is quite ridiculous, so why not 150? I'm sure you haven't exhausted your list of insults yet... although you actually might want to come up with some new material instead of dwelling on things that went on 2 years ago...Reality? Reality is that I do this blog for fun (and a little money) and I talk on the radio for a living and sometimes I talk about my life... and for whatever reason the reality is that you are so overwhelmed by something I do, say, or did that you come to my website on a daily basis and spend quite a bit of time here trashing me. And this has gone on for a very long time... You are so interested in me you come to my website every day. Do you not see that???That doesn't make me narcissistic, that makes you pathetic.That is reality.:)
Oh, and just so you don't say I can't count, there were only 45 comments when I started that post... and there are now 47, this making it 48... so we're on our way.Can't you come up with some different stuff to say? I mean, my face is not perfectly even but most people don't have perfect faces and I've been told I'm pretty so who cares... I'm not Heidi Klum but I'm not really that UGLY.As for the comments about my daughter... really, it takes a low person to pick on a little kid and I never ragged on Sean Preston, I picked on his mother just like every other dirt blog...My boyfriend is a great guy and I love him a lot. He's good to me and my daughter and he makes me really happy.... and yes he's great in bed - listen to my talk show you'll hear allllll about it!!OK how many names do you have? I think it's time to make up a few more blogger accounts specifically to make insane sick comments on my website.Because that's really something normal, sane, decent human beings do.:)
The only PATHETIC thing on this site is your face....now we all know that your C-MAN thinks your hot but of course he does...he frigging ugly and you really need to tell him to do something with all those craters on his face.ick.Why do you call him C-Man? Why don't you call him by his first name...CR***. There I will help you out a bit lol.Ha!!
Sara...you LOVE any guy who gives you attention. Of course you love him he probably pays her back bills that you had when your ex dumped your ass in NC and you had to run home to your Daddy. Yes, you did make fun of Sean Preston and also K-Feds little girl.Yup, there's the old Sara talking about how good men are in bed...such a classy lady you are. I'm sure your parents would be proud of the way you talk.Nah Sara....there are a lot of people out there you think you are a fool not just me. Um, I don't listen to your show because it sucks but if your proud of telling EVERYONE how gooooood your sex life is then you REALLY do have issues.....keep on seeing your therapist lol.
I don't care if you say what his real name is!!!!!! I actually think I know who you are "i am the real sara" with your blog address and knowing my birthday... I'm not surprised, wouldn't be the first website you trashed me on LOL!
How does it make you feel that your man is cheating on you?
It's Friday night at quarter of 10 and Corn Chip Toes is sitting at a computer posting hate on my site...You have a GREAT life!!!Only reason I'm online is I'm at work!
OK there are tons of you... sure.Then why did all the names - with the exception of the "i am the real sara" bc I know who that is - but for the most part I'm quite certain you are all one...You all happened to sign up for blogger accounts at the same time and you all post around the same time... I mean, you're smart enough to take a little time in between posting back and forth to yourself to change accounts, but you usually all post around the same time.Maybe you should stop doing that and be a little more convincing. I'm not THAT stupid :)I love it!My boyfriend and I were actually talking about how sweet it is that I have haters and stuff... I mean, there are plenty of people in this world who I don't like, but I just stop wasting my time with them... I don't chase anyone all over the internet and spend day and night on their websites revealing to everyone how much I hate them... It's so lame!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
corn_chip_toes, shall I go back and find some of your sick and twisted posts with regard to bodily functions and fluids and all kinds of really really sick stuff... and you think you're a good role model. You're sick and you're obviously lonely...Where is your child's other parent??? Certainly not home spending quality time with you on a Friday night!!!You can continue to say anything you want about me and criticize my life...Of course I laugh at this... would I take you seriously? I've posted a lot of stuff on the internet but never in my life have I sat around posting hatred under an anonymous name on a daily/nightly basis because I hate someone... It's insanely ridiculous.Who are you and what is your real problem with me? Do you know me and I did something to make you so angry you have decided to disrupt my site on a daily basis because you have nothing more important to do? I certainly don't raise my daughter to hate other people... You are just insane. It's crazy how you justify what you do and bash me. If you're so hot why don't you post a picture of yourself and stop hiding behind some ridiculous name...
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LOL I seriously forgot they got married. Oh well, thanks for correcting me :)
They actually had a Kabbalah ceremony with no legal marriage liscense.
The ceremony was not done by an ordained rabbi, neither 1 of them is Jewish, & they did not have asecuar ceremony.
Technically, they are not married--more ike a "committment ceremony"
He is her boyfriend.
oops--my l stuck...
I meant to say secular
Angela....Dana does the same ish that these readers to do her. If she did not pity her readers for reading her site then maybe they would NOT be so nasty to her.
She thinks we are JEALOUS of her because she has a great boyfriend, a cute daughter and a great job....ummm Dana, your boyfriend is oooooooooglllllllly..your daughter is FAR from being cute and your job is NOT THAT GREAT!!
If you were SUCH great DJ then WTH did it take you so long to get a good job?? Really now.
You need to watch what you say cause it will come back and bite you in your FAT ass.
It's really not necessary to make rude comments about someone's child.
I just love that people are still commenting on this post days later... I too read it for the entertainment value of it. I enjoy very much that some of you have followed me from Tampa to here... it's just really funny. You've called me all kinds of names and seem to hate everything I am and do, but I left Florida almost 2 years ago and while I rarely think about my life there, it's hilarious to me that I had such an impact you coninue to bring it up. WHO FREAKING CARES!?!? Nobody dwells on any of that crap anymore... not me, not my ex, not my former co-workers, nobody. Life had moved on in positive ways for everyone... unfortunately you seem to be the only one holding a grudge over situations you really don't know anything about... unless of course you were in some way involved and that would be even sadder.
I would love to know how any of this is going to bite me in my fat ass. I'm not that fat and neither is my ass anyway.
I don't remember seeing her making fun of Sean Preston, but if she did then that isn't right. I don't think it's ever ok to say nasty things about anyone's child.
Courtney....Yes, she has made fun of Sean Preston and other children.Who makes comments about their readers and says that her readers are JEALOUS of her and pitys them?? C'mon now!!!
I'm glad you read this for entertainment Dana and laugh at it everyone else is laughing at you too...
The only impact you had on the people in Florida is that you were a joke and everyone LOVED to hear you talk about you drama and how your ass got cheated on...how funny is that!! I guess you couldn't be too good in bed or he wouldn't have wander to someone else's bedroom lol.
But, keep thinking what you want to think.I'm sure it must make you feel better.
Britney, Dana LOVES all the attention. She has EVEN said that in some of her posts. She is a drama queen and that is why people laugh behind her back.
She think everyone is jealous of her and she thinks that she is better then anyone else INCLUDING her readers....Trust me, do you REALLY think she cares about her readers or even her listeners??
The only person that is number one in her life would be the MAN that is in her life....she doesn't even have her daughter half the time and when she does ya would think she would spend time with her...nope, she goes out with her ugly ass boyfriend and gets drunk. Her daughter is better off with her father who seems to take better care of her.
Dana ...the only sad thing here is that YOUR DAUGHTER is going to be messed up in the head when she realizes what kind of mother you really are.
My life might not be the most fabulous thing on the planet... however, it is certainly better than the life of the person (and it's quite obviously just one person) who spent his or her entire evening on this website spewing hatred over something that happened years ago and calling me, my boyfriend, and my child ugly and fat, retarded, etc.
Do you have a significant other, children, loved ones, or friends to spend time with? It doesn't really seem that way. I spend far less time online - and far less time updating this site - because I have other things to do... like go to lunch with my boyfriend, shop for Halloween stuff for my daughter, do show prep for my talk show... that's really why I'm not online as much anymore and don't devote as much time to this website - because I actually built a life for myself here in CT that I really like. Say all you want about the "drama" in FL... it's OVER now and a part of my life I really learned from. You are still really sad and pathetic and 2 years after I left that radio station you are still dwelling on it... and it's not even your own life!!
If you had even a DECENT life of your own, there is no way you'd be doing what you are doing. If you were a happy good person you certainly wouldn't be spending such an enormous amount of time sitting at your computer concerning yourself with me and/or my pathetic life.
Keep the sh*t talk coming. There is nothing you can post here, save for maybe my phone number or address or SS#, that I won't delete. So go for it. I don't care. The more you reveal about how seriously ridiculously obsessed you are with my life the more I laugh.
Don't kid yourself, I don't think anyone else is obsessed with me... I just think you are.
I would like to see 150 comments by noon tomorrow. I'm sure you have nothing better to do than to sit here and post them... so go for it.
Have a lovely evening.
What Sara you have your daughter 2 months out of the year and your proud of going Halloween shopping for her...what a good Mother you are!! The only sad thing here is that you are responable for another human being..and you talk about Britney being a bad Mom.
I don't think Britney talks about how much she loves to get drunk and how good the sex is with her boyfriend...yeah, your a REALLY good Mom. Thank God for your ex being the sane parent.
I really don't think you should talk about being DECENT because you are farrrrrrrrr from that.
Are you a good person Sara? Yeah, we know your happy because you have your C-Man and really all you think about in life is your need for a man...not your daughter but a man. Why don't you think about all the shitty stuff you use to say about people and then tell us your a good person.
Well we made it to 45 and now 46 which is quite ridiculous, so why not 150? I'm sure you haven't exhausted your list of insults yet... although you actually might want to come up with some new material instead of dwelling on things that went on 2 years ago...
Reality? Reality is that I do this blog for fun (and a little money) and I talk on the radio for a living and sometimes I talk about my life... and for whatever reason the reality is that you are so overwhelmed by something I do, say, or did that you come to my website on a daily basis and spend quite a bit of time here trashing me. And this has gone on for a very long time...
You are so interested in me you come to my website every day. Do you not see that???
That doesn't make me narcissistic, that makes you pathetic.
That is reality.
Oh, and just so you don't say I can't count, there were only 45 comments when I started that post... and there are now 47, this making it 48... so we're on our way.
Can't you come up with some different stuff to say? I mean, my face is not perfectly even but most people don't have perfect faces and I've been told I'm pretty so who cares... I'm not Heidi Klum but I'm not really that UGLY.
As for the comments about my daughter... really, it takes a low person to pick on a little kid and I never ragged on Sean Preston, I picked on his mother just like every other dirt blog...
My boyfriend is a great guy and I love him a lot. He's good to me and my daughter and he makes me really happy.... and yes he's great in bed - listen to my talk show you'll hear allllll about it!!
OK how many names do you have? I think it's time to make up a few more blogger accounts specifically to make insane sick comments on my website.
Because that's really something normal, sane, decent human beings do.
The only PATHETIC thing on this site is your face....now we all know that your C-MAN thinks your hot but of course he does...he frigging ugly and you really need to tell him to do something with all those craters on his face.ick.
Why do you call him C-Man? Why don't you call him by his first name...CR***. There I will help you out a bit lol.
Sara...you LOVE any guy who gives you attention. Of course you love him he probably pays her back bills that you had when your ex dumped your ass in NC and you had to run home to your Daddy.
Yes, you did make fun of Sean Preston and also K-Feds little girl.
Yup, there's the old Sara talking about how good men are in bed...such a classy lady you are. I'm sure your parents would be proud of the way you talk.
Nah Sara....there are a lot of people out there you think you are a fool not just me.
Um, I don't listen to your show because it sucks but if your proud of telling EVERYONE how gooooood your sex life is then you REALLY do have issues.....keep on seeing your therapist lol.
I don't care if you say what his real name is!!!!!!
I actually think I know who you are "i am the real sara" with your blog address and knowing my birthday...
I'm not surprised, wouldn't be the first website you trashed me on LOL!
How does it make you feel that your man is cheating on you?
It's Friday night at quarter of 10 and Corn Chip Toes is sitting at a computer posting hate on my site...
You have a GREAT life!!!
Only reason I'm online is I'm at work!
OK there are tons of you... sure.
Then why did all the names - with the exception of the "i am the real sara" bc I know who that is - but for the most part I'm quite certain you are all one...
You all happened to sign up for blogger accounts at the same time and you all post around the same time... I mean, you're smart enough to take a little time in between posting back and forth to yourself to change accounts, but you usually all post around the same time.
Maybe you should stop doing that and be a little more convincing. I'm not THAT stupid :)
I love it!
My boyfriend and I were actually talking about how sweet it is that I have haters and stuff... I mean, there are plenty of people in this world who I don't like, but I just stop wasting my time with them... I don't chase anyone all over the internet and spend day and night on their websites revealing to everyone how much I hate them...
It's so lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!
corn_chip_toes, shall I go back and find some of your sick and twisted posts with regard to bodily functions and fluids and all kinds of really really sick stuff... and you think you're a good role model. You're sick and you're obviously lonely...
Where is your child's other parent??? Certainly not home spending quality time with you on a Friday night!!!
You can continue to say anything you want about me and criticize my life...
Of course I laugh at this... would I take you seriously?
I've posted a lot of stuff on the internet but never in my life have I sat around posting hatred under an anonymous name on a daily/nightly basis because I hate someone... It's insanely ridiculous.
Who are you and what is your real problem with me? Do you know me and I did something to make you so angry you have decided to disrupt my site on a daily basis because you have nothing more important to do?
I certainly don't raise my daughter to hate other people... You are just insane. It's crazy how you justify what you do and bash me. If you're so hot why don't you post a picture of yourself and stop hiding behind some ridiculous name...
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