K-Fed thinks he's all cool, guest starring on WWE...
Do the WWE fans love K-Fed??
Not so much.
I know absolutely nothing about wrestling, I have no idea who these people are, all I know is K-Fed was all excited to be there and next thing he knows, he's totally body slammed.
He also got booed like crazy when he came out... Nobody likes K-Fed. He asked if they wanted him to rap, they all said NO. I wonder if he had any idea he was going to get such a negative reaction???
It was really funny, actually. They really gave him a rough time, as did the wrestler that "slammed" him. The wrestler, John Cena, said if K-Fed was not with Britteny, he's be poking her. LOL.
They might be able to work his character in again. He was really hated and such a reaction is a good thing for a "sport" based on good guys vs. bad guys.
Its all fake.
It was really funny, actually. They really gave him a rough time, as did the wrestler that "slammed" him. The wrestler, John Cena, said if K-Fed was not with Britteny, he's be poking her. LOL.
They might be able to work his character in again. He was really hated and such a reaction is a good thing for a "sport" based on good guys vs. bad guys.
Arrogant punk we was.
it is all fake, but still really funny to see...
and John Cena is a cutie (sorry Boyfriend loves to watch so my one perk is John Cena shirtless)
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