You really should read the whole article because even though that tabloid is a crock, it's still pretty funny... and explosive.
"The only thing that made her happy was her own reflection," he said. "She spends so much time looking at herself in the mirror telling herself how gorgeous she is."
"If she was going overseas she'd cut a hole in her teddy and stuff it with cannabis," he said.
"She relied on drugs and drink to give her confidence in the bedroom and was more often than not too wasted to even perform.
"I lost count of the nights I had to pick her off the floor and drag her to bed passed out."
While I don't think these are all exact quotes from Nick, because who talks that way anyway, I can totally see all of these things being true!!!
Even though I'd so love it if this article were true, it's News Of The World, who are worse a tabloid than the Enquirer and somehow I don't see Nick giving News Of The World an interview. And beside, the wording doesn't sound like him.
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Even though I'd so love it if this article were true, it's News Of The World, who are worse a tabloid than the Enquirer and somehow I don't see Nick giving News Of The World an interview.
And beside, the wording doesn't sound like him.
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