Paris Hilton has been hanging out in Sydney... she picked up a new kangaroo... next thing ya know she'll be trying to smuggle a real one out of the country to add to her harem of exotic pets she doesn't properly care for...
She does not look so happy... And Ken needs to eat a burger, he's borderline Nicole Richie right now... Jess's left boob weighs more than he does!! I don't know which are plumped up more - her boobs or her lips!!!
Michael Jackson showed up and spoke and everyone cheered. Why is it that no matter what this guy does people still love him like crazy???
I'm watching it now, it's actually a nice service, but I really wish Michael wasn't there because then all you can think about is what a criminal he is.
Angelina goes shopping. You very rarely see her shopping... but she must have some celebrity friends to buy presents for or something. I totally wonder which celebrities exchange presents... and what do couples like Brad and Angelina who have everything in the world they want give each other??
She's turning out to be quite the... whatever, I won't say it. Did she get a boob job? Or is it just a "growth spurt"? I wonder if she is embarassed by her sister Britney or if she's just as stupid?
Boo-hoo. She "got caught up in the whirlwind..." according to Donald Trump... so she's getting another crack at being Miss USA. I don't really get it, isn't she only Miss USA for a year anyway? By the time she's clean and sober and reformed, it'll be time to hand over the crown anyway. It'll be great if she shows up to hand over the crown WASTED!!
She's buying this bizarre create a doggie dish arts and crafts set and pottery making kits and stuff... totally cute, but the doggie dish thing threw me off!! I had to enlarge the pictures to see what the hell it was.
She's looking pretty sad... It actually looks like she's "acting" in these pictures, doing sad yet still perky and sweet faces... but I guess that's just her being her shopping. I love Reese.
She's filming a movie called "I Know Who Killed Me" in which she plays a stipper. She's been complaining to her friends lately because she's had to practice her pole dancing for 3 hours a day... and she's got bruises all over her body. She really "respects" strippers now after experiencing all the hard work they have to put in to make the money...
I didn't even bother mentioning this rumor that Katie Holmes is pregnant again because I knew it would be squashed right away... then again, I didn't buy the 2nd Britney pregnancy until it was no longer deniable either. I guess Katie looked chunky at the party after her wedding and some people are saying she is expecting another alien... her people deny it and say they have no knowledge of Katie being pregnant again.
Apparently Nick Lachey recently called Jessica to tell her he's GETTING MARRIED!!! Nick plans to marry his girlfriend Vanessa Minillo... BY THE END OF THE YEAR?!?!?!?!
I guess Jessica didn't take the news too well... she "tried to contain her emotions" but was obviously upset after the 40 minute conversation she had with Nick!!
Pamela Anderson is naked in Playboy again. I just looked at the pictures and she's freaky looking. Her body looks more freaky than sexy at this point... and the way they have her posing makes her boobs look all akward... I mean, they are huge and fake, but they have her posing in these contorted positions and her boobs look weird.
The pictures are not suitable for work NSFW but you can check them out HERE if you so desire... From
I'm going to guess that guy she's making out with is the guy we found out about yesterday, JR Rotem - the producer who worked on K-Fed's "album"... Look at her!! She's a total mess...
I think I started to like her again for two days... the day she broke it off with Kevin and the day after when she looked good again.... now, she's even trashier than before.... she's doing all the things we totally hated her husband for... Maybe she was better off WITH him because at least she wasn't out partying like a whore.
Debra Messing took her son Roman to see The Wiggles... Looks like she was enjoying herself!! They got to meet The Wiggles and the new Wiggle "Sam" who replaced Greg... he is ill.... still no word on what "illness" has hit him though...
Brad, Angelina, Maddox, Zahara, and BABY SHILOH!! SHE is gorgeous... you can't argue THAT is a cute baby... I don't like them... but their kid is beautiful. I just wonder what is all over her little mouth!? She's a little too young for oreos isn't she??? :)