She's on a roll with looking pretty... here she is at the premiere of Wild Hogs... which I can't wait to see by the way. She has really cleaned up nice!
How sweet!! Brad's mom is taking care of the grand kids while Angelina is in Africa and Brad's working on a movie. She must be psyched... on day she's not a grandmother (at least not by Brad) and within months she's got 3 adorable grandchildren!!
Do I dare start saying I am starting to like this family???
AND LOOK HOW THIN SHE LOOKS!!! I guess Britney took off the the beach before she checked into rehab and made friends with some girls...
Here's a little bit of the story from Us Weekly...
Bright and early on February 17, a newly bald Spears arrived at L.A.'s chic Mondrian hotel, ready to catch some rays. But the star was denied a room due to lack of credit cards or cash.
By 11 a.m., an undeterred Spears, 25, had stripped down to a bra and panties poolside, then shaved her legs in the pool bathroom.
“It was sad,” says a source. “It looked like she really needed a friend.”
She got two – at least for a few hours. Around noon, Spears (then in a blonde wig) began chatting up a woman in the bathroom, who offered to loan the pop star a bathing suit.
Spears followed her new friend to her hotel room where -- after changing into a borrowed bikini -- she raided the minibar.
“She grabbed four or five bottles and just started mixing everything and drinking them.”
I can't wait to find out what she was doing... Girlfriend is off her rocker.
Apparently she's been diagnosed with post-pardum depression. I have visions of Brooke Sheilds rushing to her side... with Tom Cruise not far behind with his non-post-pardum-depressed baby's momma Katie Holmes in tow... Scary.
So we all saw those pictures of Britney Spears outside Kevin's house the other night... He wouldn't let her in, she lost it, went to wack a photographer's SUV with an umbrella... then she and her assistant drove away.
WELL, according to Star Magazine, Britney would have REALLY lost her mind if she knew SHAR JACKSON WAS THERE!!!!
Obviously Kevin can't take care of the kids himself, so he called his ex Shar Jackson to come over and hang out... and Shar's been playing mommy to Britney's kids!!!!
She's totally cleaned up her act. I guess she got sick of being made fun of... so she stopped acting like a drunk slut. Way to go Tara! All this, without rehab!
Hayden Panettiere is gorgeous. I know a lot of people don't like her... but I think she's cute. I don't like to make posts about her because her last name is hard to spell... Seriously! She's hot though. I watched Heroes and there is something about her...
I guess she's doing allright with the alcohol-free clubbing... She doesn't appear to be wasted or anything. I'm not sure what AA program or rehab suggests going to a bar to "test yourself" but she's doing it.
You know what, I was just going to post the pictures of P. Diddy's 12 year old son getting lapdances, and then I thought better of it.
There ARE 4 pictures of P. Diddy's 12 year old son getting lap dances and kisses on the cheek from STRIPPERS (or just plain skanky women) circulating the internet.
Of course my first inclination was to post them because it's so wrong and twisted... but then I thought about it and he's a 12 year old kid and it would be wrong for me to post them... I just think it's that sick.
I'll be honest, I haven't seen a single minute of this season... I work nights and I don't care enough to Tivo it, but I guess this girl just made it to Hollywood... and now these pictures are circulating the web.
Antonella Barba is her name, and she's 2nd from the right in that photo of topless chicks... and she likes to grind with her girls... and she flipped off a camera.
Big whoop. I guess the topless thing is kind of dirty but I don't think it's that much of a big deal... so what if she was doing something funny with her friends??? Do these people have to have squeaky clean party pasts??? I can see not wanting criminals on the show... but this is innocent enough!
Cameron Diaz & Drew Barrymoore look very happy at the airport... they're headed to Hawaii to celebrate Drew's 32nd birthday... Look for bikini pictures of them soon :)
Cameron's probably just psyched that Britney's a mess...
That's Britney... losing her sh*t on the paparazzi!!!! When I first saw these pictures I thought "who is that scary looking old man with the umbrella" and then I realized - IT IS BRITNEY!!!
Apparently she went to Kevin's last night to see the kids (he's had them for a week) and he wouldn't answer the call button... so she turned on the paparazzi!!!
I wonder if this is all just a big ploy to drive the paparazzi insane????
No, sadly, it's real.
Kevin told Britney enough is enough, and to get herself in rehab and get help. He had asked for an emergency court hearing to get custody of the kids, but Britney begged him not to do that, so he said he would stop the hearing if she went to rehab... and stayed until she completes a program.
Three strikes you're out Britney. Go fix yourself... and just think, you might be able to make a little mini ponytail by the time you get out!!!
I feel mean posting these because I like her so much, and who hasn't let their crack slip out, but here are pictures of Jennifer Garner playing at the park with Violet... and her butt crack falls out when she bends over.
She seems like such a normal mom... and she looks about as tired as a normal mom too!!!
Paris really does have the best outfits. She dresses much better than any of the other girls. They all wear rags and 80's junk. I would love to have Paris's clothes... or Christina Aguilera's. Everyone else sucks.
There's Madonna with her "adopted" son David... Has this thing even been made legal yet? I know she's been criticized, especially by Angelina Jolie... Speaking of Angelina, doesn't David look like he could be Zahara's little brother?!?! When I first saw the picture I totally thought it was Zahara for a second!!
OK, someone posted a comment stating that I must think all black people look alike... so in order to defend myself - and the fact that David Banda does in fact bear a striking resemblance to Zahara Jolie-Pitt - here is a picture of Zahara when she was about David's age.
What is she doing? I mean, to me, if you end up getting checked into a rehab facility, you clearly need to be there... so I don't know why they let her out. Maybe she needs to be sedated or in some kind of psychiatric inpatient program...