Walking down the boulevard of broken dreams... I WALK ALONE...
Now that Paris & Nicole are going to make up, and Paris is hanging out with Tara Reid (who by the way has a much better ass than Kim), Kim walks alone. Shops alone. Talks alone. She's probably not even talking to anyone on her cell... just pretendeding that she still has friends.
Just so ya know, Sienna Miller has REFUSED to see Jude Law. He wants to apologize for cheating, she says she never wants to see him again.
Sienna actually had dinner the other night with Sean Penn and his wife, and they say they want the two of them to work things out... but Sienna says NO WAY.
Good for her... once a cheater always a cheater... you KNOW Jude Law is NOT going to change!
Yup, according to Nicky Hilton, Paris & Nicole "still love each other" and WILL be friends again...
I wonder if their break up was just a big publicity stunt to get attention for the new season of The Simple Life... like the break up, the Kim Stewart thing, etc... ALL A BIG PLOY??
Nicky claims they will be friends again... and she says Paris IS her sister and Nicole is LIKE A SISTER so she stays out of it.
Uh oh... according to Star Magazine, Paris Latsis's family is NOT happy about the fact that all of a sudden all of Greece knows about Paris Hilton's sex tape!
I guess she's not WORLD famous... not many people in Greece really knew who she was before she started dating Paris Latsis... but now a Greek tabloid has let the cat out of the bag... and they all know about Paris's SEX TAPE!
Paris Latsis's mom FREAKED out and now the whole family wants him to get rid of the slutty American girl!
Although I find this to be a LITTLE weird because how could they NOT know who Paris Hilton is over there?
While they aren't photographed together, apparently these are pictures of Madonna and Christina arriving at the same studio at the same time... Hmmmmm...
There's Bono and his gorgeous wife Ali in St. Tropez.
At least I think it is his wife. I got the pic off JJB (where I get most of my pics) and there is an argument over whether or not that is actually his wife...
Here is his wife for real...
I think it is her in those St. Tropez pictures... look at the nose... and she's got sunglasses and a hat on so you can't really tell if it's her or not... but the nose is the same!!
Your thoughts?
I love how Bono pulls off a bright purple shirt and cowboy hat... his wife looks about 20 in these pictures but she's actually a lot older... No scandal, I just like Bono.
There she is headed out to eat with a little Kaballah booklet... Does Kevin do Kabbabbalalalah too? He seems to worship the Marlboro Man and cheap beer... but anyway... There she is.
What do you think of the outfit y'all? It's better than usual...
Can I just say that SHE IS HUGE. A lot of pregnant celebrities just get the bump in the belly... but she's getting W I D E.
Thanks to Sharri for sending me this link... we've already seen it - at least I have - but since Cameron went through all that trouble to sue that dude in order to prevent nudie pics of her from getting out, I figure I'd show you her boobs anyway...
Well Sienna Miller wastes no time getting over Jude Law! There she is with her ex Orlando Bloom over the weekend... at a Polo Tournament.
According to www.femalefirst.co.uk, "Sienna had her arm around Orlando most of the night They sat with their legs entwined, whispering in each other's ears and giggling".
I'm happy for her... there's nothing like rebounding with an ex!
The guy who took topless pictures of Cameron Diaz when she was 19 has been convicted of forgery and blackmail and could spend more than 5 years in prison. He was found guilty... and we'll never get to see pictures of Cameron's itty bitty boobies... oh well.
Angelina wants to adopt a Russian baby now... She's adopting all these kids just to take the heat off her for being a homewrecker... If she keeps taking in these orphans its that much more difficult to be hard on her about stealing Brad from Jen.
Christina Aguilera was offerred a cameo appearance on The Simpsons but she turned it down. They wanted her to voice the part of an aspiring pop star but she said no.
There they are in St. Tropez... however I don't know if these were taken before or after the alleged break up. So confusing. I'm trying to figure it out.
What the hell are they doing? Look where his hands are. Who sits on someone's lap in a car like that? And what about the other guy in the second picture moving in on Paris's arse?
I love pictures of drunk celebrities, especially the lovable Uncle Jesse.... poor John Stamos, he will NEVER stop being Uncle Jesse. I wathced his show Jake in Progress and all I could think about was the fact that he's Uncle Jesse.
According to www.femalefirst.co.uk Natalie Portman is thinking about keeping her head shaved!
She says it is "empowering" and she feels tough for the first time in her life... She says that as a small girl she never felt strong but now with a shaved head she does...
Add this to the list of reasons why we can't stand Kevin Deadbeat... he skipped his son's 1st birthday party! He and Britney just plain didn't show up... no card... no gift... not even a phone call!
He's SUCH a loser, and Britney is WACK if she thinks he's not going to treat her child with him the same way.
Apparently there are some pictures of Paris Hilton and a female "lover" in this month's Hustler Magazine. Paris and the other chick were rumored to be doing the "designer drug ecstacy" while shooting the pictures... But Larry Flynt says he thinks it was true love.
Paris's friends claim she has NO attraction to women whatsoever... um, excuse me, idiots, the world has seen those cell phone pictures of her and that chick topless... SHE LIKES CHICKS!
Anyone got the pictures... I don't get Hustler Magazine... anymore.
I AM CONFUSED... I found this story on a message board and it was posted recently... but then I did some research and it looks like these pictures were already published.
OK that's a really lame name for the embryo/fetus of Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck, but I couldn't think of anything so DEAL WITH IT. Not everyone can have a perfect for making fun of name like FEDERLINE!
Rumor has it there's a little baby girl in there!!
Her hair is growing back. She does have such a gorgeous face she can pull it off... it'll look cute in a few more weeks when she can put little barrettes in it.